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Horatio: Connector 13

Horatio: Connector 13 is a project that will be released for the international market.This graphic novel has a stylized Asian graphic style with a nice and modern tone. It is inspired by a Peruvian fiction novel. It has 25 chapters, each one can be read within 20-30 minutes, giving a similar experience to a tv series.The plot revolves around two teenagers involved in a fight for the safety of the universe, fighting by the side of time and space travelers, aliens and psychics. In this universe even the most daily activity can become a weapon in the world of dreams or the "Oneiric", the place where the characters battle and hide the secrets of an unknown multidimensional deity.


Horatio: Connector 13

  • Developer: Austerk
  • Publisher: Austerk
  • Release date:Coming Soon
  • Genres: Visual Novel
  • Lengueges: English
  • Available on platforms:
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  • xuanfantasy

    When is the planned release date ?